Newborn Lifestyle Session | Cleveland, Ohio
I've known this family for awhile now so I was really excited when they contacted me with the news that their family was growing. Big brother was instantly my new best friend. Knowing how my toddler has been the last few times we had people come to photograph/video us, I too the approach to play first, then take photos. So when I first got there we played cars for a bit then he wanted to show me all the cool things in his room. It was fun and he was warmed up and ready to go for some photos. When he hit his limit I put my camera down and we played some more. This is exactly what I have to do with my own kids so it's great to be able to take that same approach with clients and see it work as well.
By now we all know how crazy I am about lifestyle newborn photos and these are no exception. My son was about the same age when my daughter was born so I saw so much of what life was like for us when I was at their home. Little lady seems to fit in perfectly with the crew, like she has always been there. There were so many things we did during our session this blog post could be very long, so I decided to just share the photos focusing on baby girl (although I snuck one in of big bro and mom that was just too precious to leave out!) Enjoy!