Ilford HP5 - Week One of Embrace the Grain
Just got my scans back from my first week in the Embrace the Grain Workshop. This was the first week I used a light meter, took thorough notes on each shot and was really thoughtful and deliberate with my photos. I still forgot to move from zone 5 to 6 for some but they still worked out. If I had shot these scenes on my digital camera, I would have 20+ photos of each one that I would have had to spend time narrowing down and then editing. These photos were developed and scanned but The FIND Lab and they knocked it out of the park. I did absolutely ZERO editing on these! I love the graininess of this film too!

3 feet from window midday. f2.8 1/125.

iPhone flashlight in left hand. Camera in right. f1.4 1/30

Morning backlight indoors. f2.0 1/500. Thinking I should have added one stop to these.

Through glass door. I metered just outside the door and then just inside the door. Used a setting in the middle of those. f4.0 1/320

Next to window and sun going down. f2.0 1/500

Didn't feel like I had settings right here - remember thinking I should have added a stop or two for backlight. It does look underexposed. f2.8 1/1000

The sun had already gone down and couldn't be seen. It was the final lingering light of the day. f2.0 1/250

Low light. Taken in evening and this window faces East. Spot metered off grey card that was held perpendicular to his face since that was the side I wanted to illuminate. f2.0 1/125

Moved so I was between them and a window. Metered off the right side of her face since that was in the shadows. f2.0 1/250

For these hat ones I put the meter under the hat in front of their face. In the even lit one, she was standing in open shade f4.0 1/250. In the dappled sunlight ones I had them stand in the sun. f4.0 1/400

Midday strong sun. Spot metered off skin. f8.0 1/2000

Morning backlight again. Meter off grey card said f2.0 1/250. I added a stop for backlight and used f2.0 1/125. These are my least favorite from the roll - they don't feel/look right to me.... I'm thinking too much sun was let into the camera and it is underexposed?

Cloudy day. f2.8 1/4000

Cloudy day. Fast moving swing. f8.0 1/500